About Dr. Brandy Florence
Contributory Author

Dr. Brandy Florence has over 15 years in healthcare operations: working in various roles, ranging from consulting to performance improvement. She is now working in her current role as—hospital administrator. These roles have led her down many paths where she has experienced her own journey through the power of resiliency.

She was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, where she still currently resides. She obtained her doctorate from USC in the year 2020.

 Dr. Brandy Florence is also the published dissertation author of, “Missed Opportunities: Lack of Advancement of African American Females into Senior Executive Healthcare Leadership.”

She is now a professional certified life coach who specializes in resiliency. She helps her own clients navigate through their journey of resiliency in the areas of relationships, life, career, and education. Through her program, you will learn how to make “Resiliency Your Normalcy”.